Paladin, a name that hails from the Court of King Charlemagne, they were the twelve foremost knights of Charlemagne's court, comparable to the Knights of the Round Table in Arthurian romance. They are known as being A strong supporter or defender of a cause.
Of course being a Defender of a cause requires a lot of support to be able to champion that cause and therefore to that end I have chosen Pi Financial, who in 2019 were considered based on multiple criteria to be placed 28th out of the top 100 IFA’s in the UK.
Pi Financial supports IFAs by removing much of the burden of the associated administration of operating within the financial sector. Regulatory protection is vital in financial services and by delivering a top class compliance service, it ensures that the advisers’ advice is sound and within regulatory guidelines.
It has always been the firm’s vision to be recognised as a centre of excellence that provides first class support to both IFAs and clients. Therefore as an Adviser, I am pleased to take Paladin into the court of Pi Financial and look forward to the future with their support.
To find out more about Pi Financial you can check out their website