We Are Paladin!

Rebranding Announcement:

1.        Published: 01 February 2020

2.        Author: Tegan Taiwo

When Spires Independent launched I don’t think anyone could have predicted how far the company would come.  Now, nine years later, we decided it was time for a change.

Following with the business development plans of 2019, we came up with the idea to create a new visual identity under one brand – Paladin.

Coming Up with A New Name

In the rebranding process, we changed the logo, and the names of our brand.

We figured out that the name Paladin would fit us best since it’s short for “Champion of a Cause” Spires Independent was chosen as as a name as it fit into every city with a cathedral, but that didn’t convey what we stood for, Our clients look to us to protect their wealth and secure their retirement a Paladin as a stalwart defender and a personal champion we felt more accurately reflected what we stood for.  

Soon enough, we came up with the new logo


We agreed upon this design after many hours of discussion, brainstorming, and collecting feedback from all members of the team. This new design is actually the opposite of our previous style, which needed a new, retouched look. The new look has a design that conveys Security, safety, and trustworthiness.

We believe that what we have finally achieved is a simple, and serious brand name for our future journey.

Products Makeover

We have not only changed our customer facing collateral, but also changed software providers, and have plans to adopt a new CRM system in 2020. This will make our clients journey a lot more effective, ensuring that we give regular updates.


Visual identity

Changing our visual identity was a true breath of fresh air. We’ve made a bold decision to go with shades of Green and Purple. When it’s all put together, it looks something like this!

Colour is an essential part of brand image, we have gone for a minty green which gives a fresh impression, following through to a General Green which symbolises nature and harmony. Ending our colour chart with Purple which has a meaning of wealth, and , wisdom.

All this has been a lot of work and we’re excited to share our news with you. Tell us what you think on our social media channels! Do you like what we’ve done so far?




